Part 123: Low-Level Run - Chapter 5

Last time Shinra's HQ was ravaged by suicidal ecoterrorists with a very large supply of grenades. An experimental surgeon joined the team.

Thank you, Barrel.

Golem would've been so helpful.

Anyway I'm fairly certain I won't be getting Vincent since Lost Number gives 2000 EXP so I have no need for his guns.

What I do need is two more Steal materia. Now I have a legion of pickpockets!

Also I choose the cheeriest and least fitting background for the flashback possible.

don't click this

"It's like he had gained levels or something!"

"If I had one more, an overflow glitch would leave me with -127 students!"

Alphonso will probably have you arrested.

Well shit, this will ruin things if CLOUD dies. By which I mean it'll waste my time.

Luckily exactly one fight happens and Sephy ends it with an Ice3 before CLOUD can get murdered by enemies that he'll only be properly leveled for come disc 3.

But seriously this has no impact on the LLG so I am only cracking jokes about numbers and how I named a character Taft.

I was hoping I could bug Vincent now for whatever reason.

Well Taft you're level 4. What did you expect to happen?

Thank god.

Anyway this team will be kickin' it for a while. Taft needs to be dead in every forced battle, Aerated is the EXP sponge, and CLOUD is mandatory.

Kalm Fangs are level 10 and have Ethers to steal. If I ever need money I'll probably be running back here to steal from 'em, until I find something more lucrative.

Wind elemental and stun! It's pretty useful to have paralysis outside of Cross Slash and Seal Evil.
Speaking of which, Aerated didn't get Seal Evil after Heligunner.

I'm pretty sure I'll regret not buying this.

Also I get Chekov's Greens.

If nothing else the +1 luck gives Tifa 16 luck, giving her another percent of lucky dodges.

You know the Zolom can attack when the screen is darkening for the menu? True story.

Anyway with a quick save and reload...

And we're here, no Chocobo needed.

These are the only things of note in the mines.

I try to get a fight with Yuffie to show that I can't get her yet due to her giving EXP and joining at level 17, but I couldn't get the fight to trigger.
So yeah, I can't get Yuffie. She gives EXP and joins at level 17.

I can get more grenades though.

A nonsequitur!

You know he has a wind weakness?

CLOUD has elemental with Choco/Mog. It's allowing him to outdamage grenades.

The waterpolos are the only threat, as if they get Aerated when she's alone I'm finished.

but I queue a turn when he uses big wave to end CLOUD...


Still not hard, though a bit long due to his 2500 HP.

And Aerated hits level 10.


don't click this one either

Anyway Mr. Dolphin gets us up here so next time: shopping! God I suck at ceremonial marches!